We help turn bold ideas into reality to improve the lives of all Americans.
What We Do
Economic Security Project is Founded
A distinguished group of over 100 entrepreneurs, activists, researchers, and philanthropists sign on to the mission of championing direct cash payments to empower Americans to live and work to their full potential.

Mayor Tubbs and ESP Announce First Guaranteed Income Demonstrations in Stockton, CA.
At CASHCon, an Economic Security Project event, Mayor Michael Tubbs announced the first groundbreaking, ESP-backed guaranteed income demonstration: a mayor-led program in Stockton, CA.

Historic Federal Guaranteed Income Bills Introduced in Congress
Representative Rashida Tlaib introduces the BOOST Act, and then-Senator Kamala Harris introduces the LIFT the Middle Class Act, which adopt Economic Security Project’s proposal to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit– the first time since 1969 that a guaranteed income bill has seen real attention in Congress.
ESP Co-Founder Chris Hughes Pens New York Times Op-Ed, “It’s Time to Break Up Facebook”
Hughes’ public stance against monopolies throughout the economy led to the formation of the $10 million Antimonopoly Fund, moving the issue of runaway corporate power “from the margins to the mainstream.”

Child Tax Credit Expansion Creates “Guaranteed Income for Kids.”
Economic Security Project works with the Biden
Administration to campaign for the expanded Child Tax Credit that is an essential part of the American Rescue Plan, providing unprecedented cash payments for children.
Six States And District Of Columbia Expand Cash Tax Credit Programs.
Economic Security Project successfully lobbies state legislatures to eliminate income requirements for tax credits and to increase the amount of cash delivered to families; and to expand eligibility to young people, the elderly, immigrants, and low and middle-income families.

Over 100 Guaranteed Income Pilots Announced Nationwide
A network of leaders, experts, funders, and elected officials rapidly begin implementing over a hundred local demonstrations of guaranteed income, with the support of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, the Guaranteed Income Community of Practice and many others.